---json { "description": "This article shows you how you can add emphasis on component in your page", "page_id": "7w4jlhw884tqy37oa10kw", "title": "How to add emphasis in your website (ComboStrap)" } --- ====== ComboStrap Styling - Emphasis ====== ===== About ===== In UX design, ''Emphasis'' means bringing extra attention to certain components. ===== Emphasis Styling ===== ComboStrap supports the following styling to help you bring extra emphasis: * by making text: * [[boldness|bold]] * [[docs:content:typo#italic|italic]] * [[docs:content:inote|inote]] * [[docs:content:highlight|higlighted]] * by styling [[docs:content:button|button]] with a [[skin|skin]] * by adding a [[shadow|shadow]] * by adding a [[..:animation:hover|hover]] animation * by using [[color|color]] * that have a meaning (rod) * that brings more contrast (between the background and the foreground). * by creating a [[:docs:styling:hero|hero unit]]