"description": "A breakpoint allows to created conditional styling \/ design",
"page_id": "mjusl3ym9vi3220izvowr",
"title": "How to create conditional values with Breakpoint ?"
====== What is a conditional value ? ======
===== About =====
A ''conditional value'' is a value that is applied only from a certain screen size (and above).
By adding the [[docs:styling:breakpoint|breakpoint name]] as a suffix, you define the minimal screen size to which the value will be applied.
===== Example =====
The below [[:docs:styling:spacing|spacing value]] is conditional and applies:
* for small screen: a padding of 3 (ie ''p-3-xs'')
* for medium screen ''md'' and above: a padding of 5 (ie ''p-5-md'')
===== Syntax =====
* ''breakpoint'' is the [[docs:styling:breakpoint|breakpoint short name]].
===== Default =====
* The default breakpoint (screen size) if not specified is ''small''.
* For the smaller breakpoints, ComboStrap applies default values that you need to overwrite.