---json { "canonical": ":color:generator", "description": "A attractive color generator to pimp your design", "page_id": "aq2hq481vt52d737j80b4", "title": "Attractive Color generator" } --- ====== ComboStrap Styling - Color Generator ====== ===== About ===== While styling your design, the choice of [[color|colors]] is always primordial. This color generator will pimp your design by generating random attractive color based on [[https://randomcolor.lllllllllllllllll.com/|random Color]] ===== Generator ===== .swatch { display: inline-flex; border-radius: 50%; margin: 1rem; padding: 1rem; height: 5rem; } .text { display: flex; margin: auto; align-self: center; } let generateColors = function (event) { // to stop the submit process and to not get a 404 event.preventDefault(); // debugger; // delete the content let output = document.querySelector("output"); while (output.firstChild) { output.firstChild.remove() } let form = event.target; // https://github.com/davidmerfield/randomColor#options let hue = form.hue.value; let count = form.count.value; let luminosity = form.luminosity.value; let seed = form.seed.value; let format = form.format.value; let alpha = form.alpha.value; let config = { hue: hue, count: count, luminosity: luminosity, seed: seed, format: format, alpha: alpha, }; output.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `

The colors were generated with the following parameters:

` ); randomColor(config).forEach(color => { output .insertAdjacentHTML( 'beforeend', '
' + color + '
' ); }); } window.onload = function () { // Submit with default value to see the color colors document.forms[0].requestSubmit(); // Attach change event on radio button document.getElementsByName("hue-type").forEach( element => { element.addEventListener("click", function (event) { let value = event.target.value; let select = document.getElementById("color-hue-name"); let hex = document.getElementById("color-hue-hex"); switch (value) { case "name": select.parentElement.className = "dropdown bootstrap-select align-self-center d-flex"; select.setAttribute("form","color-generator"); hex.className = "d-none"; hex.removeAttribute("form"); break; case "hex": select.parentElement.className = "d-none"; select.removeAttribute("form"); hex.className = "align-self-center d-flex p-0 m-0"; hex.setAttribute("form","color-generator"); break; } }) } ); };
===== Documentation / Reference ===== * The color generation engine is [[https://github.com/davidmerfield/randomColor|randomColor generator]]