"description": "With the share component, you can add easily share buttons. This article shows you how.",
"name": "Share Buttons",
"page_id": "f7ezynnq31zbp6ea2c50i"
====== Social - Share Button ======
===== About =====
''Share button'' or ''social button'' are buttons aimed to facilitate the sharing of the page.
When a user clicks on them, the chosen social application opens with a message that the user can send.
The channels supported are:
* [[social|social network]]
* and messaging application (such as email, whatsapp, telegram, ...)
* A social button is just a link styled by default as a button
* The URL shared is the [[docs:page:url|page url]] and can make it permanent. For more information, see the [[docs:page:url|dedicated page]]
* We support also [[docs:social:follow|follow buttons]] and [[docs:menubar:brand|brand buttons]].
===== Example =====
===== Map =====
Below, you can see a map of the share component with the parameters:
* ''widget'': button (default) or link
* ''icon'': Solid, Solid Circle, Outline, Outline Circle
for all supported channels.
===== Syntax =====
* ''channel'' is one of the [[#map|supported social channel name]]
* ''widget'' permits to choose the type of output:
* ''button'' (default): a button
* ''link'': a link
* ''url'' is: (default to the first permanent link)
* ''page'' for the [[docs:page:url|page url]]
* ''permalink'' for the [[docs:router:permalink|identifier permalink]]
* ''icon'' is the type of icon or no icon with ''none''
* ''width'' is the width of the [[docs:content:icon|icon]].
If no url option is given, the [[docs:page:url|page url]] is chosen if permanent, otherwise the [[docs:router:permalink|identifier permalink]] takes over
===== How to customize the Share button ? =====
==== How to add a label ? ====
To add your own label, you need to use the element container form.
* To add the label ''Twitter'', you would use this syntax:
* The output is:
==== How to use your own icon ? ====
The ''icon'' option permits to disable the icon with the value ''none'', you can then choose your own [[docs:content:icon|icon]]
* For instance with the [[https://developer.wordpress.org/resource/dashicons/#twitter-alt|dashicons:twitter-alt]]
Share on Twitter
* The output would be: