---json { "canonical": ":redirection:action", "h1": "ComboStrap URL Management - Redirection Actions", "page_id": "1thufjcispb7qcw33tb6z" } --- ====== ComboStrap Routing - Redirection Actions ====== ===== About ===== The ''redirection actions'' takes place in the [[redirection|redirection processing]] when: * the missing page: * is not a [[docs:page:canonical|canonical]] * is not a [[docs:router:alias|alias]] * does not have any [[page_rules|page rules]] that applies for redirection * the user is: * a writer and is not redirected to the [[edit|edit mode]] * a reader ===== List ===== The following actions may be configured in order: * [[bestendpagename|Best end page name]] * [[bestpagename|Best page name]] * [[bestnamespace|Best namespace]] * [[search_engine|Search Engine]] If an action does not find a page, the next action will try to find a page until the end. If no page is found, a [[search_engine|search engine]] redirect is performed. ===== Configuration ===== You can set the actions order in the [[docs:app:configuration|configuration]]. {{docs:router:redirection_actions.png|}}