---json { "description": "The namespace of a page is the equivalent of a directory in the page system.", "page_id": "yok3em4px0fugqlsjo3pg", "title": "What is the namespace of a page ?" } --- ===== About ===== The ''namespace'' of a page is the equivalent of a directory in the [[system|page system]]. ===== Example ===== * If the [[docs:page:system:path|path]] of your page is ''group:category:page-name'' * It's namespace is ''group:category'' * A namespace may have a namespace. In the example above: the ''category'' namespace belongs to the namespace ''group'' * They all materialize in a directory in a directory (ie the directory ''group'' has the child directory ''category'') ===== Usages ===== The namespace is a hierarchical data and is therefore used: * in the hierarchical breadcrumb * in the page view analytics to group views by namespace