---json { "lead": "Grab the attention!", "page_id": "h62mbxxwu0h7m3sa5huve" } --- ====== Lead ====== ===== About ===== The ''lead'' is an appealing text that is generally used below the [[:docs:page:title|page title]]. It's also known as the ''tagline''. ===== How to set a Lead ===== You can set it by setting a ''lead'' property in the [[docs:metadata:manager|metadata manager]] ===== Default ===== By default: * the ''lead'' of the [[:docs:page:system:home|website home page]] is the [[doku>config:tagline|dokuwiki tagline]] [[docs:app:configuration|configuration]] * otherwise, the ''lead'' is empty ===== Template ===== You can use the ''%%$lead%%'' [[docs:templating:variable|variable]] Example: The lead of this page is: ''$lead'' * The result: