---json { "page_id": "6i52p2yu4vupb2fpa73c3" } --- ====== First image ====== ===== About ===== The ''first image'' is an [[image|illustrative image]] that you can render with the [[:docs:content:page-image|page-image tag]]. As its name indicates, this is the first image found on your page. You would use it generally within an [[:docs:templating:iterator|iterator]]. ===== Example ===== For the purpose of the demonstration, we have included this image to act as our first image {{:docs:content:surfer600.png?200|}} \\ \\ With the [[:docs:content:page-image|page image tag]], you can then show it with the following syntax ===== How to see the value of the first image? ===== In the ''image'' tab of the [[:docs:metadata:manager|metadata manager]], you can also see the value of the first image.