"canonical": ":tooltip",
"description": "A Tooltip displays informative text when users hover over, focus on, or tap an element.",
"low_quality_page": "false",
"page_id": "utozdh69xx3mvdhhrq31k"
====== ComboStrap UI - Tooltip ======
===== About =====
A ''Tooltip'' displays informative text when users hover over, focus on, or tap an element.
With the tooltip component, you can attach any tooltip to any component.
===== Example =====
==== A link with a custom tooltip ====
Because a link should be written on one line, you need to inline the tooltip markup.
* Markup
[[#|A tooltipA link with a tooltip on the right]]
* Output:
By default, when hovering over [[docs:content:link|a link]], you get already the default HTML tooltip with the page [[docs:page:description|description]] as content.
==== A link with the preview tooltip ====
A [[docs:content:link?preview|link]] can get a automatic tooltip via the [[docs:content:link?preview#preview|link preview attribute]].
* Markup
[[?preview|A link with a tooltip]]
* Output:
==== Button ====
Adding a tooltip to a [[docs:content:button?preview|button]].
* Markup
=== Tooltip Heading ===
A tooltip text
A button with a tooltip on the top
* Output:
==== Text ====
You can also add a tooltip on words. For instance, with the [[docs:content:itext?preview|itext component]]
* Markup
A tooltip on words can also be addedTooltip on words
* Output:
==== Icon ====
You can also add a tooltip on a [[docs:content:icon?preview|icon]].
* Markup
=== Icon tooltip ===
A tooltip on a icon can also be added
* Output:
==== Image ====
Adding a tooltip on a [[docs:content:image?preview|image]] is not directly supported but if you see your image as text and wrap it up inside a [[docs:content:itext?preview|itext]], you get the same effect.
* Markup
=== Image tooltip ===
A surfer at the beach
* Output:
To see the tooltip immediately when hovering on the image the [[docs:styling:class|class]] ''d-inline-block'' on the ''itext'' component is mandatory. The ''itext'' component takes then the same size than the image)
===== Syntax =====
A ''tooltip'' is a [[docs:component?preview|UI component]] that adds a tooltip to its direct parent.
The tooltip content
* ''position'' is one of ''top'' (Default),''right'',''bottom'', ''left''
* the tooltip content can be any markup (heading, image, ..)