---json { "canonical": ":ui:inline", "description": "Inline components are used inside a paragraph (ie in a line).", "featured-raster-image": ":docs:content:undraw_add_content_re_vgqa.png", "page_id": "6uook5ocjqxxzfdwrvzlb", "title": "ComboStrap UI Inline components " } --- ====== ComboStrap UI - Content ====== \\ {{:docs:content:undraw_add_content_re_vgqa.svg?0x250|}} \\ \\ ''Content'' are components that permit to fill of the content of a page. They are also known as visual or rich text. [[docs:component|ComboStrap UI]] gets the following content components in its library: select from descendants order by name ^ Name ^ Description ^ | [[$path|$name]] | $title | They are known as content components because they add content to your page. The other big category of the component is [[:docs:layout:component:start|layout component]] which lay your content out.