---json { "canonical": ":cache:static", "description": "With the Infinite Static Cache feature, ComboStrap will cache images, javascript and stylesheet infinitely.", "name": "Infinite Static Cache", "page_id": "x489pmccj4099adn3hg1g", "title": "Infinite Static Cache: Cache Image, Javascript and Stylesheet for an infinite amount of time" } --- ====== ComboStrap - Infinite Static Cache ====== ===== About ===== ''infinite static cache'' is a [[cache|cache functionality]] that sends to the browser the below cache instruction: * cache all [[docs:content:image|images]], css, and javascript library * for an infinite amount of time In reality, the files change but because the URL (ie ''https://host/my/file'') generated are unique: * when a file change, * its URL change * and the browser will ask the new file version. ===== Support ===== We support static cache on: * [[doku>devel:css|Dokuwiki Style Sheet]] (ie ''lib/exe/css.php'') * [[doku>devel:javascript|Dokuwiki Javascript]] (ie ''lib/exe/jquery.php'' and ''lib/exe/js.php'') * all ''public'' [[docs:content:image|images (raster, svg)]] (generated or not) * and all [[:credits|third libraries]] ===== Configuration ===== ==== staticCacheEnabled ==== If you want to disable this feature, you can turn it off with the ''staticCacheEnabled'' [[docs:app:configuration|configuration]].