"aliases": [
{ "path": ":docs:cache:sideslots" }
"canonical": ":cache:slot",
"description": "Thanks to the automatic slot cache management, the secondary slots cache is managed automatically and are re-rendered in the background",
"name": "Auto Slot Cache",
"page_id": "dhw5i9epsabpddg6ycz8c",
"title": "Automatic Slot Cache Management"
====== Performance - Automatic Slot Cache Management ======
===== About =====
The [[docs:theme:slot:slot|slots]] (ie [[docs:theme:slot:side_slot|side]] content are always up-to-date and does not require to disable the [[docs:cache:page_expiration_frequency|page cache]], increasing [[docs:performance:performance|performance]].
If you have any [[https://www.dokuwiki.org/caching|%%~~NOCACHE~~%%]] instructions in your side slots, you can delete them to increase performance.
===== How it works =====
The syntax components advertise cache dependencies to the cache system.
For instance:
* if you have a [[docs:navigation:page-explorer|page-explorer list]] in the [[docs:theme:slot:side_slot|side]]
* the cache system knows that if a page is added or deleted, it should re-render the side slot in the background.
You can see the dependencies, in the [[viewer|cache viewer]]