---json { "page_id": "wtzzzxv9l0cj43vpg9lsy" } --- ====== ComboStrap UI - File ====== ===== About ===== The ''file'' component is a component that represents the content of a file. It's a [[docs:utility:prism|prism]] component that add: * syntax highlighting * and clipboard copy ===== Example ===== You can create block of code like this one: # Markdown header The `file` component: * takes over the manipulation of the default [dokuwiki file block](http://www.dokuwiki.org/wiki%3Asyntax#code_blocks) * is a wrapper around the [Prism component](/prism) to add: * syntax highlighting * clipboard copy ===== Syntax ===== This is a [[docs:utility:prism|Prism component]] and follows the [[docs:utility:prism#syntax|prism syntax]]. You should then check the [[docs:utility:prism#syntax|prism syntax documentation]] for all details. ===== Configuration ===== ==== Enable / Disable ==== The ''file_enable'' [[docs:app:configuration|configuration]] permits to enable / disable this component. If the component is disable, the [[doku>wiki:syntax#code_blocks|dokuwiki file block]] is applied. ==== Theme ==== This component gets the [[docs:utility:prism|theme]] chosen For [[release:deprecated:userstyle#class|custom css style]], there is also an extra [[release:deprecated:userstyle#class|userstyle class]] created on the ''pre'' element with the ''pref'' suffix. This element contains the code and the button. Example: * Change the background color of file. .file-combo-pre{ background-color: #e9ecef !important; }