"canonical": ":statistic:syntax_count",
"description": "The syntax count statistic shows the number of occurrence of a component (syntax) on a page",
"page_id": "vme2d33rf0088510abd86",
"title": "syntax_count - Analyse the syntax of your page"
====== Page Statistic - Syntax Count (Component count) ======
===== About =====
''syntax_count'' is an [[statistics|statistics]] that shows the number of times a syntax (ie component) is used.
You can then analyse the syntax of your page.
===== Example =====
==== For one page ====
Asking for the [[statistics|json statistics]] of a page, you would see a list of key / pair properties where:
* the key is the syntax
* the value is the number of occurrence on the page
"syntax_count": {
"p": 8,
"combo_frontmatter": 1,
"section": 5,
"monospace": 21,
"combo_link": 7,
"combo_badge": 1,
"combo_code": 2,
"table": 1,
"tablethead": 1,
"tablerow": 2,
"tableheader": 5,
"tablecell": 5,
"combo_button": 1,
"listu": 2,
"listitem": 16,
"listcontent": 16
==== SQL analytics ====
=== Syntax Summary of your website ===
select syntax_count.key as key,
sum(syntax_count.value) as value
from pages,
json_each(pages.ANALYTICS, '$.statistics.syntax_count') as syntax_count
where json_valid(pages.ANALYTICS)
group by key
order by value desc;
=== All pages with a button ===
This SQL is an example that shows all pages that have a [[docs:content:button|button]]
json_extract(analytics, '$.statistics.syntax_count.combo_button') as button_count
where json_extract(analytics, '$.statistics.syntax_count.combo_button') is not null
order by id