---json { "page_id": "a9ubf0ud9ayshde7dupvk" } --- ====== Google Analytics ====== ===== About ===== ''combostrap'' supports the [[doku>plugin:googleanalytics|Google Analytics plugin]] as [[support:plugin|third party plugin]]. ===== PageView===== With ComboStrap , you can report your ''Google Analytics'' [[https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/page-view|page view]] with the [[docs:page:canonical|canonical path]] instead of the [[docs:page:system:path|page path]]. It has the benefit to aggregate all pageview under the same permanent path. Even if you [[:docs:page:move|move your page]], the pageview will not be impacted. You can enable it with the ''useCanonicalValueForGoogleAnalyticsPageView'' [[docs:app:configuration|configuration]].