---json { "canonical": ":ads:conf", "page_id": "yeq0mcwwhpsy6q27dpnk4" } --- ====== ComboStrap Ads - Global Configuration ====== ===== Excludes the ads from the Index ===== For all [[ads|ads module]], the ads are located in the namespace (directory) called ''combostrap'' ''Ads page'' have no content and should then not indexed. To exclude the ''combostrap'' location from the search index with the [[doku>config:hidepages]] [[docs:app:configuration|configuration]] * Add ''combostrap'' in the page to hide. * With the [[docs:theme:slot:slot|bar]] of the template, you should have this value: (headerbar|footerbar|sidebar|sidekickbar|combostrap) {{strap:hidepages_extrabar_configuration.png|}}