---json { "canonical": ":ads", "featured-raster-image": ":docs:ads:undraw_design_objectives_re_94pd.png", "featured-svg-image": ":docs:ads:undraw_design_objectives_re_94pd.svg", "page_id": "09z3bzwhz2ptf26pom4s8" } --- ====== ComboStrap - Ads ====== {{ :docs:ads:undraw_design_objectives_re_94pd.png?0x300&ratio=21:9 |}} ===== About ===== ''Ads'' is a module that permits to add ''Ads snippet'' (known as ''Ad Unit'') in your website. In Advertising, ''Ad Unit'' defines: * the location of your ad on the web page * and its styling (most importantly the dimensions) ===== Sub Modules ===== There is two sub modules: * [[ad|Ad]] - the ''ad'' ui component to add an ad via a tag in the content of a page * [[inarticle|Automatic in-article]] - the ''automatic in-article'' component will place automatically Ads into the content of your main page Because the ''ads'' are stored as page, they are by default added to the index. You need to set a configuration to prevent it. See [[conf]]