---json { "page_id": "jwzuqtph8i0v2am7sap5k" } --- ====== ComboStrap DokuWiki In Docker ====== ===== About ===== ''ComboStrap DokuWiki In Docker'' is a docker image that install: * [[doku>|DokuWiki]] * and a [[website|ComboStrap Website instance]] (by default) ===== Usage ===== You can: * develop a [[website|website]] locally (ie on your desktop) and publish it remotely * or install a DokuWiki Instance for: * team documentation collaboration * knowledge base development ===== Example ===== To get a [[doku>start|Dokuwiki server]] with the [[https://github.com/ComboStrap/site-starter|Combostrap Starter Site]] available at http://localhost:8080, execute: ```bash # bash docker run \ --name dokuwiki \ --rm \ -p 8080:80 \ -e DOKU_DOCKER_GIT_SITE='https://github.com/ComboStrap/site-starter' \ ghcr.io/combostrap/dokuwiki:php8.3-v1 ``` ===== Documentation ===== The documentation and source code are available [[https://github.com/combostrap/dokuwiki-docker/|here]]